"In a world where personal values reign supreme, the Bible speaks of absolutes. The Lord, in Psalm 111, is described as gracious, compassionate, and unwavering in His precepts. Malachi 3 affirms that God does not change. John 17 declares God's Word as truth itself. Psalm 93 emphasizes the unchangeable nature of God's decrees. Matthew 24 assures us that even as time passes, God's words remain eternal. James 2 warns of the judgment according to God's unchanging law. Romans 2 underscores God's impartiality in rendering judgment according to deeds. In a shifting world, let us anchor ourselves in the unchanging truth of God's Word."

Here are the main points from the quote you provided:

- The Bible speaks of absolute truths that do not change.

- God is described as gracious, compassionate, and unwavering in His precepts.

- The unchanging nature of God's decrees is emphasized throughout the Bible.

- Even as time passes, God's words remain eternal.

- Judgment will be rendered according to God's unchanging law, and God is impartial in rendering judgment according to deeds.

- In a world that is constantly changing, it is important to anchor ourselves in the unchanging truth of God's Word.