On June 24, 2023, the Kampong Chhnang Inter-Denomination Pastoral Association 

Held the Hygienic Event of Kampong Chhnang Province held an urban sanitation program, in which the relevant authorities and authorities participated in helping to clean up the environment in the city. Encourage a clean city, a clean environment, bring cleanliness and good health. And the good news for us Christians is that unbelievers can hear the name of Jesus through our actions, attitudes, and actions as believers.

Here are some additional points you could include:

1. **Community Engagement:** Highlight the involvement of various community members beyond just the authorities. Mention volunteers, local businesses, schools, and residents who participated in the event. Emphasize how it was a collective effort to improve the cleanliness of the city.

2. **Impact on Public Health:** Describe the significance of the urban sanitation program in terms of public health. Talk about how cleaner environments lead to a reduction in diseases and health hazards, ultimately contributing to the well-being of the residents.

3. **Educational Component:** Discuss any educational activities or workshops that were part of the event. This could include sessions on proper waste disposal, hygiene practices, and the importance of environmental conservation. Highlight how these educational efforts empower individuals to take better care of their surroundings.

4. **Environmental Sustainability:** Address the long-term goals of the sanitation program in promoting environmental sustainability. Mention initiatives such as recycling programs, tree planting campaigns, or efforts to reduce plastic waste. Emphasize the importance of preserving the environment for future generations.

5. **Unity and Cooperation:** Reflect on the sense of unity and cooperation fostered by the event. Talk about how people from different backgrounds came together for a common cause, transcending religious, cultural, and social barriers. This unity serves as a powerful example of community resilience and solidarity.

6. **Spiritual Reflection:** Expand on the spiritual significance of the event for Christians. Discuss how acts of service and kindness align with Christian values of love, compassion, and stewardship of God's creation. Emphasize the opportunity for believers to live out their faith by serving others and being good stewards of the environment.

7. **Outreach Opportunity:** Highlight the evangelistic aspect mentioned in the script. Explain how the event provided a platform for Christians to share their faith not only through words but also through their actions and attitudes. Discuss the importance of living as a testimony to the love and grace of Jesus Christ, inspiring others to inquire about the Christian faith.